Last updated on December 11th, 2021

Best Free Project Management Software

Project Management Softwares are a kind of on the web and community application where every individual who’s chipping away at a task can go to see who’s doing what when, and whether each work is on target to be done on schedule.

Everybody sees which errands are appointed to them and when to begin working. The individual dealing with the undertaking and allocating the work can perceive what should be done and who is conceivably allowed to do it. Everybody included gives progress reports on their undertakings on a case by case basis and separates errands when finished.In this article, we will take a look at the best free project management softwares available –

  1. Jira

Jira, robust project management software from Atlassian, principally centers around issue following for technical groups. Notwithstanding, it is a profoundly adaptable arrangement that incorporates critical task the board capacities for groups of any size and in any upward direction, regardless of whether it’s for programming or business applications. A large number of groups pick JIRA to catch and sort out issues, dole out work, and follow group movement. At your work area or in a hurry with the new portable interface, JIRA assists your group with taking care of business.


  • Easy to use collaboration tools and with built log and compatibility testing
  • Access control, backlog management and business process automation
  1. Mavenlink

The Mavenlink Industry Cloud for Professional Service is an incredible assortment of operational administration, asset improvement, business knowledge, mix, and work process robotization usefulness that enhances assets and raises operational execution. An asset first engineering, empowers administrations organizations to handle the best group, without fail and see regularly updated progress against courses of events and spending plans so projects run as expected, typically, and productively.


  • Features from all sides of management like planning and optimization
  • Has clear and easy to use UI with quick setup and excellent process management
  1. Nifty

Nifty’s task portfolio the board places you in the chief’s seat with an outline of your group’s cutoff times and needs. Track project guides, team up on assignments, speak with group and customers, and make cooperative archives in our concentrated workspace! Nifty assists you with mechanizing authoritative advancement oversight across your activities dependent on task consummation by your group.


  • Budget, backlog and calendar management such features provide an ever lasting user experience
  • Easy to use and access client portal
  1. Confluence

Confluence is a common workspace ideal for group cooperation. It is exceptionally adaptable, can be set up rapidly with accessible formats, and be effectively coordinated and extended with incorporations. Clients can work together on their ventures the manner in which they need, with adaptability yet additionally with fundamental data and required updates. They can store aggregate information that is organized and simple to discover. Likewise, it is an agreeable and social space where anybody with the correct access can share declarations and motivation, support commitment and interest, and get moment input that are consequently saved.


  • Robust feedback system and support system
  • Client space and features for easy project management
  1. Clubhouse

Clubhouse is the main task of the board stage for project improvement that welcomes everybody in each group together to construct better items. It’s intended to make better and proficient cooperation across associations so groups can zero in on what makes a difference – making items their clients love. Clubhouse includes a web application, iOS application, basic API and a strong arrangement of reconciliations.


  • Kanban boards for visualizing workflows
  • Client progress monitoring can be done easily and perfectly
  1. Goodday

GoodDay is a work, project, item, errand, time, and group the board stage that gives associations the best instruments for significant level arranging, lined up with their everyday work, and for nonstop improvement of all cycles dependent on straightforwardness, responsibility, readiness, and acknowledgment.


  • A customizable dashboard, easy to use AI and client access control features
  • Audit trails and collaboration/management tools for workflow control

We hope one of these softwares will win your heart and will be your one stop destination fro all project management needs and deals you have.

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