Posted on September 14th, 2021

Change Location of Task Bar in Windows 11 From Center to Left

Learn How to change the location of Task Bar in Windows 11 from center to left side.

As time goes on every one of us develops a way to work with things at our own style or arrangement, no matter the situation. And if we talk about achieving enhanced productivity, what we can do is either train us to behave in that situation or make the circumstances in accordance to ourselves. Take the topic which we are discussing, i.e., moving the taskbar in Windows, here Windows 11.

The Windows 11 taskbar somewhat resembles with that of Linux Distros like Ubuntu, Kali, Parrot, Linux Mint and with MacOS too.

Well, if you are using windows 10 then it really is as easy as eating a piece of cake, all you have to do is just right click on the task bar and there should be an option named “Lock the Taskbar” which should already be checked. All you have to do is just uncheck that one and throw the task bar in any direction you want, no, no… no throwing, only moving.

But we have to do so for Windows 11, so we should respect the context and let’s cut the crap and come to the point, or should we call point to come to ourselves😂.

Step I – Open the Run dialog box by pressing the “windows key” with “R”.

Step II – Now type “regedit” and press enter, if prompted with a dialog box asking for permission to run Registry Editor, Click Yes.

Step III – Now we need to move to a specific place where we will tweak some settings and get our job done. Go to the address bar and paste this text – HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects3 and press enter.

Step IV – On the right section you would see two list elements named (Default) and Settings, you have to double-click on the “Settings”.

There under the “FE” Column and the “00000008” row value, you would see “03” written there already which means that the current configuration of the position of the taskbar is bottom.

To change the orientation of the taskbar to left we will change “03” to “00”, and in case if you want it to be on the right or top enter “02” or “01” respectively.

Now you have to restart your system and your taskbar’s position should have been changed by then.

That’s it you have accomplished the mission. Respect +.

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