Last updated on December 11th, 2021

Fix VPN not working on windows 11

Since Windows is quite possibly the most utilized employable frameworks, a huge piece of the Virtual Private Networks run on Microsoft’s Windows.  Despite the fact that they generally function admirably, reports say that VPN isn’t working after a user updates to Windows 11, which was recently launched by Microsoft.

These issues are very normal after each new significant delivery and we chose to give you the rundown of potential arrangements that should help you address them. In case you’re abruptly struck with a plenty of VPN issues after a Windows update, try to use one of the following methods to solve the problem:

  • Reinstall VPN

Reinstallation is the re-incorporation of the VPN into changed framework environmental factors, so this could possibly help. Additionally, while we’re grinding away, remember to secure the most recent adaptation of your VPN of decision. Try to adhere to the guidelines we gave beneath:

1. In the Windows Search bar, type Control and open Control Panel from the rundown of results.

2. From the Category see, click Uninstall a program under Programs.

3. Right-click on your VPN arrangement and Uninstall it.

4. Clear all excess records and library sections the VPN has made.

5. Restart your PC.

6. Download the most recent adaptation of your preferred VPN and try using it.

  • Troubleshoot your connection

Ensure that you can interface without a VPN in any case. In the event that that is not the situation, we encourage you to perform standard investigating steps and move from that point. In case you’re trapped in the center and uncertain what to do, here are a few activities that you ought to consider:

  • Reset your switch and additionally modem.
  • Flush DNS.
  • Restart related administrations.
  • Run devoted Connection investigator.
  • Impair the switch’s firewall.
  • Update the switch’s firmware.
  • Reset switch/modem to production line settings.
  • Reinstall all drivers

Certain clients settled the issue by totally uninstalling all Network connectors, however you can make due with reinstalling WAN Miniport drivers. In any case, we as a whole expertise famously Windows 10 oversees drivers and how the conventional and required drivers can illicitly affect framework execution and steadiness.

To stay away from this, you can reinstall drivers changed by the last update and let them reinstall all alone. Additionally, auxiliary drivers given by an outsider VPN are superior to the ones Windows Update gives. In this way, you can likewise uninstall them and the VPN, and afterward get them by reinstalling your VPN without any preparation.

  • Registry method

Adhere to these directions to get to Registry Editor and make another information which should re-empower VPN in Windows 11:

  1. In the Windows Search bar, type regedit and open regedit from the rundown of the outcomes.
  1. Reinforce your library.
  1. Go to : 


  1. Right-click on the clear region in the right window and select New > DWORD.
  1. Name the new DWORD input :


  1. Change its worth to 2 and save it.
  1. Close Registry Editor and restart your PC.
  • Disable antivirus firewall

Another conceivable justification for this blunder can lie in the outsider antivirus or a portion of its auxiliaries. Contemporary antivirus arrangements regularly come in suits that incorporate outsider Firewall safety efforts.

They do prove to be useful, particularly in case you’re sufficiently proficient to modify them, however are, then again, known for clashing with Windows administrations.

In the event that you run a VPN through a Windows 11 antivirus given by Microsoft, make a point to incapacitate the outsider firewall prior to doing as such. Or then again far superior, for investigating, to impair the antivirus totally and move from that point. Additionally, ensure that your local Windows Firewall isn’t keeping VPN from getting to the distant workers.

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