Last updated on December 11th, 2021

How to Create a Website

Getting things online has become simpler than ever. Even the beginners who have less or no idea about the web world can create his own website easily. That has been possible due to the advancements in platforms and tools that are used to build websites.

If you are on the internet to search about how to build a website, then you have definitely reached the right place. This article will guide you through each step with every information you might require.

In this article, we will discuss about the steps involved creating a website through a website builder. So, without wasting further time, let us learn how to build a website.

Step 1: Understand Your Motive for the Website

Step 2: Buy a Domain Name and Hosting

Step 3: Choose a Platform to Create Your Website

Step 4: Select a Theme or Template

Step 5: Preview and Test your Website

Step 1: Understand Your Motive for the Website

First things first! Before doing any research or buying a plan, you need to specify your motive for the website. You need to understand the goal and motive for your website and your target audience. For instance, if you just want to share your thoughts with the people, you can start a personal blog. And, if you want to sell goods, you need an e-commerce portal.

Step 2: Buy A Domain Name and Hosting

No matter what type of website you want to build, you need to register a domain name for it. The domain name will be the name of your website which people will use to access it. You can buy and register a domain name on hosting websites like Godaddy and Hostgator.

That being said, the next important thing you require is to buy hosting for your website. You can buy a hosting plan for your upcoming website from the same portals. Web hosting is typically a space on the internet that is provided by web hosting companies to run your website.   

You can go for a shared hosting plan if you are just going to start a blog. But, if you wish to run an e-commerce portal that is destined to bear a lot of traffic, you must choose a dedicated plan to support your website.

Generally, a shared hosting plan costs around $1.5-$3 per month and dedicated hosting plans can go as high as $200 per month.

Here’s a list of top hosting providers popular in their domain. You can check out the features and pricing plans on our website to have a deeper understanding.

Step 3: Choose a Platform to Create Your Website

You need a platform, a solid website building framework to create a website. There are numerous website builders to choose from and build a website using predefined tools and software. Platforms like WordPress, Wix, and Weebly are amongst the top choices that are used to build 100 millions of websites worldwide.

How website builders & CMS can help?

In the early years, it is highly difficult and complex to create a website. It requires advanced technical skills and coding knowledge to add sections or make the website interactive. Website builders have certainly changed the old and conventional ways. These are platforms that anybody can use to build websites, regardless of the technical skills.

Website builders take care of all the website design and pages with a host of templates and features. So, you can just focus on your website content and design.

Which platform should you choose?

Choosing a website builder could be a tough task due to the fact that there are a number of website building platforms in the market. These platforms provide a host of features and pre-designed templates to facilitate users. Here is a list of some web builder software you can use.

WordPress – WordPress is the most popular and simple blogging and website content management system. It is an open source program used with a plethora of themes and plugins to make your website feature-rich and intuitive.

Wix – Wix is certainly the most popular platform when it comes to website builder software. It is easy-to-use, intuitive and provides several customization options to play with. You can head on to our complete wix review to learn everything about it.

Weebly – With more than 40 million websites developed over the software, Weebly is amongst the most popular and easy to use website building platform in the market. It allows users to build good-looking websites without needing to write a single line of code. Here is our detailed weebly review for your better understanding.

Choose the pricing plan.

Once you finalize the website builder to create the website, you need to choose a plan. These platforms offer a wide variety of pricing plans to cater to the needs of all users. The plans range from a basic website to a more complex e-commerce website. Here are the pricing plans of Wix and Weebly platforms if you have considered going with any of them.

Wix Pricing Plan

  • Connect Domain Price – $9 per month.
  • Combo Pack – $14 per month.
  • Unlimited Pack – $20 per month.
  • ECommerce Plan – $26 per month.

Weebly Pricing Plan

For Website

  • Connect Plan | Price – $4 Per Month
  • Starter Plan | Price – $8 Per Month
  • Pro Plan | Price – $12 Per Month
  • Business Plan | Price – $25 Per Month

For Online Store

  • Starter Plan | Price – $8 Per Month
  • Pro Plan | Price – $12 Per Month
  • Business Plan | Price – $25 Per Month
  • Performance Plan | Price – $38 Per Month

Step 4: Pick a Theme or Template

So, you have chosen everything right from the domain name, hosting and the platform on which you are going to create a website. The next big step in the process comes after you select the builder. You need to pick a template to provide UI/UX to your website. All the website builders and CMS provide pre-designed attractive themes and templates to design your website.

Be sure to choose the right one for you as it would be the framework for your website. Themes and templates will include the color scheme, font family, banners, menus, pages, and everything else that would be visible to visitors.

Moreover, these templates also allow customizing options. You can combine themes or add elements like videos, banners, contact form, etc. If you have knowledge of languages like HTML and CSS, you can even modify the theme to make it look more personalized.

Step 5: Preview Your Website

Now everything at its place, your website is ready to launch. But there is one small but significant thing that you need to do. It is to test your website before making it live. The website building platforms provide preview options before publishing all the content to Google.

It is always feasible to test your website pages, buttons, links, and all the elements that you have added in the previous steps. Here are some of the aspects you need to check before publishing your website.

  1. Does your website serve your purpose and everything is at its place?
  2. Is your content is error-free and zero plagiarism?
  3. Do all the buttons and links lead to respective pages?
  4. Is the website functioning well on desktop and mobile?
  5. Are all graphics are original or royalty free?
  6. Notice the loading speed of the website and its pages.

These are some of the aspects that need to be checked before making the website live. There could unlimited things in a website that you need to be cautious of. You just need to be vigilant and ensure everything is going as per the plan.


All this done, your website is ready to publish. Just hit the publish button and let people and search engines come to your website and enjoy your awesome content and intuitive design. Let them praise the efforts you have made to create the website.

If you’re still unsure of something on your website, you can always get back and edit the things and update it. Your viewers must get updated content every time; it is good for your viewers and SEO too.

Everyone can create a website regardless of the technical knowledge. You just need to pick a framework that will help you to do so. If you still have any confusion in any of the steps mentioned above, you can reach us through our comment section below. We will answer your questions as early as possible; also take a look at our articles to deepen your knowledge.