Last updated on December 11th, 2021

Windows 11 First Crashes and Then Freezes

Windows 11 first crashes and then freezes, let’s fix this issue! 

Ever since the updates of Windows 11, there have been so many errors and bugs that were encountered by users when the operating system was made available through updates of Windows 10. However, it was downloadable from the beta channel meaning it was still in the development phase but now when it is released, users are facing a major issue in front of which every other bug or error seems so tiny. Windows 11 freezes while running and accepts no input, not from the keyboard, mouse, trackpad (in case of a laptop), and any input device. The only choice with which users are left is to force-restart their pc.  

There are some reasons which are causing this problem, they may be related to the incompatibility of GPU present in the PC or the time when the laptop is fully charged or just at the moment the charger is plugged in system freezes. Whatever the reason will be our aim is to get rid of this error. So, let’s go and do that! 

The first thing we would try is to adjust the VRAM.

First, navigate to the settings of your PC and search for “Adjust Appearance and Performance of Windows” and select the “Advanced” tab.   

There you would see the settings for Virtual memory as in VRAM, where the values can be tweaked for increasing the size of the paging file of your pc and hence prevent your pc from freezing over and over again.

Click on “Change” and you would see a dialog box like the one is below.

Here you can see that the option for automatically managing your paging file has been checked. So, to increase the paging file what we got to do is first uncheck the automatic option and choose the “Custom size” one. (Only follow this step if the “Recommended” value exceeds the “Currently allocated” value).

In the “Initial size” type the value which is recommended and in the “Maximum size” type whatever value you want just make sure that it is comparatively more than the recommended value.

Hit OK and then again hit ok and finally restart your pc and the problem should have been gone by now, if not we will make it flee.

Updating the GPU drivers

If you have any graphic card in your system either integrated or external like that of NVIDIA, what you can do to get rid of the freezing problem is try to update the drivers to the latest version so that any kind of bugs, related to GPU that might be causing it, can be terminated.

For updating your graphic Card drivers just navigate to the Device Manager by pressing “Windows key” with “R” and typing “devmgmt.msc” and hit enter. 

You will see a small window open like this,

Now from this list select the option, “Display adapters” and double click on it, then you would see your integrated and dedicated graphic cards there if you have two of them.

Right click on one of them and choose the “Update Driver” option and choose “Search automatically for drivers” and update to the latest one. If you have a dedicated graphics card then only it needs to be updated because that’s the one that is set as the primary display adapter and unless it is removed the integrated graphic card doesn’t come into action.

To see if your graphic cards are compatible with Windows 11 or not check on their official website, for instance, if you have an AMD Graphic Card then you can head to their site and check there.

Updating the display drivers must solve your problem.

Alternatively, what you can try is change the resolution of your screen or entirely change your screen if you have a wide one. In case, of laptops try to connect an external input device like keyboard, or mouse from the USB ports, they might work.

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